Griffin Protome
Antonio García y Bellido, Los hallazgos griegos de España (Madrid, 1936), pp. 22-23, pl. 1
Antonio García y Bellido, ‘La colonización phókaia en España des de los orígenes hasta la batalla de Alalíe (siglo VII -535)’, in Empúries: revista de món clàssic i antiguitat tardana (1940: 2), p. 55, pl. 1, fig. 2
Antonio García y Bellido, Archäologische Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Spanien von 1930 bis 1940, in Archäologischer Anzeiger (Berlin, 1941: 1/2), p. 223
Antonio Garcia y Bellido, Hispania Graeca (Instituto Espanol de Estudios Mediterraneos, Barcelona, 1948), p. 83, pl. 2
Private Collection, Madrid, by repute, acquired in Madrid in 1933.
Thence by descent.
Madrid art market, acquired from the above in 2022.
Private Collection of Mr. Carlos Piñel Sánchez, Zamora, acquired from the above in 2022.
Spanish art market, acquired from the above in 2022.
ALR: S00218751, With IADAA Certificate, this item has been checked against the Interpol database.